Friday, 2 December 2011

No one knows when I was born!!!!

Alas! After a week the water tanker is here. With utter drowsiness I picked up a broken bucket and rushed to be the first one to get some life saving liquid. To my dismay I am in the midst of the most annoying and quarelling people. Some push, some yell and some act smart. I refrain to move and that’s when they call me ‘adamant’. Mother is happy to see me gather some buckets of water. Her face lits up as if I have won the war and yes! It is indeed a war.
After the tanker is gone, I with my friends picked up the basket and are out to howl the whole day just to sell the vegetables that we got from the farm that the landlord owns. I am always eager to sell accesories rather than vegetables. I get an extra income from accessories from which I manage to get a ‘kulfi’ for my siblings. The market was as usual crowded. My friends were early today and have started shouting about the best prices they were offering. I also started yelling and some gathered around to buy them. With a long and tiring day I sold all of them. Now it was the time to drink some water from the nearby tap and board the train to sell accesories. I waited for the train to arrive and tried to balance the carts and boarded the ladies compartment. After bargaining as usual I tried to sell some of them. I look at some of them.  They seem to be of my age but their faces are free of wrinkles, their tresses are shinier and I aspired to be them one day. I was envious of their clothes. While I was in my own thoughts a lady called me “ What is your Name?”  My Mother calls me “GUDDI” and my father calls me “ Panavti” meaning a ‘bad omen”. She was taken aback and asked another one “Whats is your age?” “No one knows when I was born, so i dont know my age” I exclaimed. My face grew expressionless.She bargained for a few pennies but I did not budge.I sold a few clips to her. Standing near the door I saw my slum near the railway tracks.I realized,this world is for the rich.
The train entered the station and once again I balanced the carts to get down. While getting down I saw a beautiful child sitting on her fathers lap. I wondered what makes me a 'panavti'. I took some coins and thought of eating a vada pav and took some for my siblings. The paper in which it was tied had a picture of a tall man with a child in his hands walking amidst the crowd. May be they were celebrating "the birth of a girl”. I was happy to see that only I was considered a ‘Panavti’. When the first morsel went inside, it was like heaven.  I sat down in the platform and counted the coins and notes. I earned 200 rupees today. Out of which 100 goes to the ‘Seth’ from whom I bought my accesories. Rs. 50 goes to the vegetables that I bought from the landlord. Left with 50 of which 25 will go to my father for his booze. It’s 25 for me and my mother.  I was happy to be rich that day as I earned more than Rs. 32 but a question lingered in my mind throughout the day :
 "When was I born and how old am I????"

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Heart, the poor victim!!!

A heart with wounds,

Seems to build no sounds,

But beneath every loudest laugh,

Every playful prank,

And every fake grin,

It goes unseen,

And remains untouched,

However, Deep within,

It pricks,

And shrieks,

Each time it beats!!!!